Community Based Research

Community-Based Research is conducted as an equal partnership between traditionally trained "experts" and members of a community. CBR projects start with the community and they are invited to fully participate in all aspects of the research process. Community is often self-defined, but it generally included a community of individuals with a common problem/issue or interest/goald and/or a specific non-profit agengy (or agencies).

CBR encourages collaboration of partners from any area of expertise, provided that the researcher(s) provide expertise that is seen as useful to the investigation by the community, and be fully committed to a partnership of equals and producing outcomes usable to the community. Equitable partnerships require sharing of power, resources, credit, results, and knowledge, as well as reciprocal appreciation of each pertner's knowledge and skills at each stage of the project, including problem definition/issue selection, research design, conducting research, interpreting the results, and determining how the results should be used for action. It is important to not that CBR differs from traditional research in many ways. 

If you have a particular research need or would like more information about this collaborative process please contact Dr. Brian MacHarg at or fill out this webform.