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CGIU Application
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Clinton Global Initiative University
CGIU Application
Is this a group or individual application?
What is/are your name(s)?
What is your email address(es)?
What is your year(s) (Fr,So,Jr,Sr, Grad)?
Mixed levels (group only)
What is your major(s)?
What is the title of your project? Your title should be one sentence that succinctly describes your project:
CGI seeks ideas addressing one or more of five focus areas. What is your focus area?
Do you have a faculty sponsor? If so, who is your sponsor?
What is your background or experience with the idea you are proposing (200 word max)?
What is the background of the problem you hope to address with your idea and commitment to action (250 word max)?
Summarize your idea and commitment to action (300-600 words):
How is your idea and commitment new (100 word max)?
How is this a specific solution to a broader problem (100 word max)?
If you are able to implement your idea, how will you know that you are successful when it is completed (200 word max)?
What resources will you need? Please include a sample budget with examples. Budget categories might include travel (food, transportation, lodging, etc.), materials, advertising, facility rentals, other meeting expenses, etc.:
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