Don't Cancel That Class

Don't Cancel That Class! If you have a conference, family obligation or research appointment that will require you to miss a class that you are scheduled to teach, instead of cancelling class, you are invited to contact the office of academic civic engagement to schedule a presentation regarding service-learning, community engagement and civic responsibility. Where possible, the presentation will be tailored to have students consider civic responsibility within the academic discipline at hand.

If interested, please complete the form below to arrange for coverage of your class in this manner.

The Writing Across the Curriculum Program can also offer class visits to talk about documentation, editing, organization, avoiding plagiarism, reflective writing, rhetorical analysis, or any writing-related lesson you feel your students could benefit from. To discuss possibilities, please contact Georgia Rhoades at

The Office of Career Development is also available to provide in-class presentations on days faculty might be out. To discuss possibilities, please contact Susan McCraken at